Lady Jane (1986) Helena Bonham Carter, Cary Elwes, John Wood, Michael Hordern Movie Review

Lady Jane (1986)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Helena Bonham Carter in Lady Jane (1986)

The Puppets of Northumberland

Following the death of King Henry VIII Britain is left in disarray when it comes to his succession as his son Edward (Warren Saire) is sickly and knows he has not long left on the planet. But there are machinations going on involving John Dudley (John Wood), the Duke of Northumberland who forces King Edward's young cousin, Lady Jane (Helena Bonham Carter) to marry his wayward son Guilford (Cary Elwes) who thanks to the Duke's manipulation of the sickly Edward he places on the throne after he dies. Initially wanting little to do with each other Jane and Edward end up falling in love much to their surprise.

Pomp and ceremony was what I remember from learning about the Tudors when I was at school and I even remember watching a Tudor drama when I was at school. I think that may explain why as a movie reviewer I have an aversion to period dramas set in this era because all the pomp and ceremony bored me as a teenager and still does. But not to be set in my ways I do attempt to watch one once in a blue moon which is how I came to watch "Lady Jane". Now let me get to the important bit straight away and I didn't find "Lady Jane" entertaining but I can appreciate how those with an interest in the Tudor period might find the re-enactment of the time a lot more interesting.

Cary Elwes in Lady Jane (1986)

Now in fairness I actually learned a bit of history whilst watching "Lady Jane" and I hope it is accurate to the history books although whilst I learned something I'm not sure I will remember it. Instead what I will remember is that Helena Bonham Carter looked a heck of a lot younger than she was when she made this and I can sort of see what some people saw in Cary Elwes when he was a young actor. And both these two play their parts well with Carter bring the upset of a teen girl frustrated by others whilst Elwes brings the anger of a youth who hates the world.

What this all boils down to is that unsurprisingly "Lady Jane" didn't entertain me although it did educate me a little. But I would imagine those with an interest in the Tudor period, especially those studying it at school may find this a whole lot more engaging.