Movies directed by Daryl Duke Shadow of the Hawk (1976) 92 mins Adventure , Horror There is a scene early on in "Shadow of the Hawk" where having put the moves on a girl, Mike ends up in a swimming pool where he finds himself fighting off an attack from something in a native style mask. Fortunately Mike not... Florence Nightingale (1985) 140 mins Biography, TV Movie I have never been one for watching period dramas having been forced to watch "Brideshead Revisited" as a child during the 80s and finding it stiff and dull. It is because of that experience I have tended to avoid anything whi... Columbo Cries Wolf (1990) 98 mins Crime, Drama, Mystery, TV Movie Fans of TV detective shows will all tell you that the majority of the episodes/ TV movies will be built to a formula. And "Columbo" is no different as the rule of thumb is an episode starts with a murder and we then watch Col... Columbo: Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (1991) 98 mins Crime, Drama, Mystery, TV Movie "Columbo: Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health" not only has a long title it feels like it has one of the longest set ups as we witness in detail every aspect of the crime; from lacing the cigarettes, switching the... * This is purely a list of reviews on The Movie Scene featuring the name Daryl Duke as one of the directors. 1 pages / 4 reviews Simple list of Daryl Duke movies