Movies directed by Robert Day Corridors of Blood (1958) 86 mins Crime, Horror, Thriller I have to admit that when ever I come across a movie starring Boris Karloff my immediate thoughts are of it most likely being a horror movie. Yet Karloff was such a strong actor that he was just at home in more straight forwa... Two Way Stretch (1960) 78 mins Comedy, Crime There are lots of great British comedies from the 50s and 60s but "Two Way Stretch" is amongst my favourite because it is uncomplicated, sharply written and features countless well known faces. There is also the amusement of ... The Rebel (1961) 105 mins Comedy I have a vague recollection of watching an episode of "Hancock's Half Hour" as a child during the late 70s or 80s, one of those reruns which back then I remember finding quite amusing. I guess that my tastes may have changed ... She (1965) 106 mins Adventure , Fantasy Movie Review - She (1965) Hammer movie starring Peter Cushing, Bernard Cribbins, and John Richardson as explorers who end up in a hidden city ruled by the supernatural Ayesha (Ursula Andress) who believes one of them is the r... * This is purely a list of reviews on The Movie Scene featuring the name Robert Day as one of the directors. 1 pages / 4 reviews Simple list of Robert Day movies