Another Woman (1994) starring Justine Bateman, Peter Outerbridge, James Purcell, Kenneth Welsh directed by Alan Smythe Movie Review

Another Woman (1994)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Justine Bateman in Another Woman (1994)

Falling in Love Again

When Lisa Temple (Justine Bateman) comes to in hospital she learns that the night before she had been severely hurt in an attack, but she can't remember it or who she is having woken with amnesia. Lisa's husband Paul (Peter Outerbridge) is sceptical of this sudden loss of memory as their marriage was in tatters and he had been planning on serving her with divorce papers. But after returning home to their large house Lisa seems to be a different woman to who she was just days before and it takes Paul's sister Bonnie (Amy Stewart) to help her fill in the gaps to her past and what caused the marriage to fail. But Bonnie won't tell Lisa why she changed in to a mean person a couple of years earlier which could be the answer at to why a mysterious stranger lurking around may be danger for Lisa.

Whilst I watch a lot of made for TV movies when Harlequin "Another Woman" fell in to my lap I really had no appetite to watch it, the word Harlequin really put me off and I expected some excruciatingly romantic and melodramatic, full of over the top acting, cheesy scenes and corny dialogue. So I am amazed to be saying that "Another Woman" was not that bad, yes still a romantic melodrama which is simplistically made but one which surprisingly keeps you entertained.

Peter Outerbridge and Kenneth Welsh in Another Woman (1994)

The thing about "Another Woman" is in its simplicity it is incredibly effective. A couple close to divorce find they have a second shot at their marriage when the wife suffers amnesia. But her past is going to come back to haunt her in the shape of a strange man who is stalking her. Who is this man, why is he stalking her and what will happen if he gets to her on her own? And that is it but in a strange way that is all which is needed especially with the straight laced direction not over complicating matters.

Now part of the reason why "Another Woman" gets away with such a simple approach is thanks to the actors because both Justine Bateman and Peter Outerbridge bring out the depth in their characters. Bateman brings out the insecurities of Lisa living a life she doesn't know whilst Outerbridge brings both the scepticism as well as the romance as he starts to fall for this new/ different Lisa.

What this all boils down to is that "Another Woman" turned out to be a pleasant surprise as having expected something painfully cheesy and overly melodramatic what I got was engaging in its simplicity and not over fussy or overly melodramatic.