Blind Spot (1958) starring Robert MacKenzie, Delphi Lawrence, Gordon Jackson, Anne Sharp directed by Peter Maxwell Movie Review

Blind Spot (1958)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Robert MacKenzie in Blind Spot (1958)

In Sight

Having lost his sight and suffered a head injury Captain Dan Adams (Robert MacKenzie) has to stay in hospital for the head injury to heal before he can have an eye operation. But on a rare excursion out to attend a party his driver accidentally drops him off at the wrong address. As Dan enters the house he stumbles in to a crime scene where he stumbles over a dead body and then is knocked out by the killers who discover that he is blind. After waking up in hospital no one believes him despite being bruised and battered. Months later after eventually having his sight restored and recovering from the operation Dan sets about proving that he did find a dead body but it leads him into a lot of danger.

"Blind Spot" is one of those movies which draws you in with a decent set up, watching the blind Dan Adams get dropped off at the wrong house, trip on a body and then have an encounter with the killers is intriguing. It also has atmosphere as you wonder whether when the bad guys pull a gun they will realise Dan is blind before they pull the trigger. There is also the RAF pin which Dan finds near the body which adds to the intrigue and it is a good set up.

Unfortunately once the set up is done with and Dan has his eye operation to restore his sight it becomes just another 1950s drama with a guy investigating a crime and getting drawn into danger. In fact compared to other similar movies "Blind Spot" ends up more contrived and coincidental from a number of gaping plot holes which are impossible to ignore. Of course these are not unusual for this sort of movie but just add to the sense of disappointment as does the actual outcome of all this.

What is more intriguing is that Robert MacKenzie appeared to make only 3 movies yet going on what he does as Dan Adams in "Blind Spot" makes me think he could have had a solid movie career. Solid is the best way to describe much of the acting as all the characters have that feel of being lightly written.

What this all boils down to is that after a decent set up "Blind Spot" quickly unravels in to an ordinary 1950s crime drama with nothing to make it stand out except that it features a young Michael Caine.