Movie Review - Correcting Christmas (2014) (aka: Back to Christmas) Movie Review

Correcting Christmas (2014)   2/52/52/52/52/5

Kelly Overton in Correcting Christmas (2014) (aka: Back to Christmas)

Last Christmas

Christmas is coming and Ali (Kelly Overton - The Wager) plans on doing nothing as a year earlier she had broken up with Cameron (Michael Muhney) and regrets it especially when she bumps into him with a new girlfriend. But she has an unusual encounter with the bubbly Ginny (Jennifer Elise Cox) and after going to bed she wakes up the next morning not only to find herself in the guest room of her parent's home but 365 days earlier, the day before she dumped Cameron. Thinking she can do right what she did wrong last year Ali discovers that things are not exactly the same especially when Cameron becomes jealous of Nick (Jonathan Patrick Moore - The Mistle-Tones), Ali's neighbour who she has been best friends with since they were children.

I hate it when I come across a Christmas movie which ends up so lazy that it can't even make a routine story idea entertaining. That is how I feel about "Correcting Christmas", or "Back to Christmas" which it is also known as, because right from the word go this Christmas movie is obvious yet it doesn't do the obvious well enough to keep you watching and frequently becomes just background noise as you become distracted by other stuff.

So what do I mean? Well we have a bit of "Back to the Future"/ "Groundhog Day" as Ali wakes up a year earlier and plans to make up for a mistake when it comes to her previous boyfriend. But wait there is more because as soon as we return back to the previous year we meet the neighbour, which means there is an obvious romantic triangle going on which also means that Ali will begin to realise that maybe the guy she thought she wanted is not the one she really does. In fairness there are some amusing aspects to "Correcting Christmas" such as when it comes to Ali's interfering mum but these are few and far between with it featuring more gaping plot holes than memorable scenes.

As for the acting well this is a case of the acting in "Correcting Christmas" is at best just fine; Kelly Overton is likeable whilst Michael Muhney delivers just the right amount of self-centred which his character needs. But unfortunately fine doesn't make memorable and the acting, cast and characters are all of the type that 24 hours after watching you are struggling to remember any of the characters in "Correcting Christmas".

What this all boils down to is that "Correcting Christmas" is by no means the worst Christmas movie I have come across but it is one which struggles to do familiar right and so becomes one which is instantly forgettable.

Tags: TV Christmas Movies, Christmas Movies