Enemy Within (2007) Mae Whitman, Jason Gray-Stanford, Tom McBeath, Matthew Smalley Movie Review

Enemy Within (2007)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Mae Whitman in Enemy Within (2007)

A Blind Terror

Amy Tolliver (Mae Whitman) not only has to contend with having gone blind recently but also her boyfriend David (Matthew Smalley) being over protective. But whilst staying at her grandmother's things take a turn for the worst as Amy finds herself home alone as David goes out for supplies on the night that some convicts escape from a prison bus. With one of them, Roy (Jason Gray-Stanford), breaking in to her grandmother's home Amy must use all her wits to try and survive the night.

Let me get the important thing out of the way with first and that is whilst "Enemy Within" is an entertaining made for TV thriller which does a surprising decent job of drawing you in, it is nothing special. It is nothing special because the whole storyline of a blind person having to use their wits against someone who has entered their home has been done a few times and so there is a certain amount of familiarity to it. In truth when it isn't delivering familiar elements it is also telegraphing things so you can guess where certain scenes are going within seconds of them starting.

Jason Gray-Stanford in Enemy Within (2007)

But whilst "Enemy Within" certainly doesn't break new ground when it comes to originality it is effective. And one of the things it is effective in doing is making you think about is how you would cope if you hadn't long been with out sight. I am not on about the extreme circumstance of surviving an escaped convict but everything from wanting not to succumb to using a stick to dealing with loved ones over protective nature. But what it also does, and credit to Mae Whitman for this, it brings that fear of living in the dark and dealing with the things your heightened senses pick up on such as the unexpected click of a light switch or a different smell.

What this all boils down to is that whilst "Enemy Within" is nothing out of the ordinary it is an effective made for TV thriller which does a surprisingly decent job of making you think about how you would cope in general with the loss of your sight.