Texas Cyclone (1932) Tim McCoy, Shirley Grey, Wheeler Oakman, John Wayne Movie Review

Texas Cyclone (1932)   3/53/53/53/53/5

John Wayne and Tim McCoy in Texas Cyclone (1932)

Wayne Supports McCoy

Texas Grant (Tim McCoy) rides in to town and is bemused by everyone's reaction to him as they call him Rawlings and pull away as 5 years back Rawlings disappeared and then they were told he had died. Grant also learns that quite a few of Rawlings' enemies are in town and the last thing they want is for Rawlings to reappear. But whilst in town Grant learns that Rawlings' widow, Helen (Shirley Grey), is about to lose her ranch to mean hombre Utah Becker (Wheeler Oakman) and so he decides to not only stick around but make out that he is Rawlings so he can help her.

In my book John Wayne was the biggest western star of all time but there was a time when even The Duke wasn't the first name on the credits and "Texas Cyclone" is one of those times. Instead it is Tim McCoy and his ridiculously large hat which takes the centre stage this time and whilst some might enjoy Tim McCoy as a western hero he always seemed stiff to me and frankly awkward. That is what you get here as well with McCoy often standing as stiff as a board when delivering lines or throwing punches which gives the movie that awkward, staged feel.

Of course "Texas Cyclone" does feature John Wayne in a supporting role and again the most striking thing about John Wayne in this is his youthful appearance and wavy hair which he frequently has to brush from his face. But even John Wayne can't save this from the staged fighting and wooden acting of Tim McCoy which in truth makes this often feel like hard work.

What this all boils down to is that whilst "Texas Cyclone" may feature John Wayne it is a Tim McCoy western and you really need to be a fan of McCoy, his huge hat and wooden style to find this one anything more than just another old western when they were a dime a dozen.