Movie Trailer for Calamity Jane (1953) Doris Day, Howard Keel, Allyn Ann McLerie, Philip Carey - David Butler Movie Review

Calamity Jane (1953)   4/54/54/54/54/5

Trailer for Calamity Jane

When Henry Miller (Paul Harvey), the owner of the Golden Garter in Deadwood, hires Francis Fryer (Dick Wesson) to perform he thinks he's hired a woman and so is shocked when Francis turns out to be a man. With the audience unimpressed, tomboy Calamity Jane (Doris Day) promises that she will go to Chicago and bring back the big star Adelaid Adams to perform at the Golden Garter, but ends up bringing back her maid Katie (Allyn Ann McLerie) when she mistakes her for the big star. As they become friends it soon becomes apparent that Calamity's friends Wild Bill Hickok (Howard Keel) and Lieutenant Danny Gilmartin (Philip Carey) fancy Katie causing unrest as Calamity secretly loves Danny. ... Read Review