Movie Trailer for The Mistle-Tones (2012) Tia Mowry-Hardrict, Tori Spelling, Jonathan Patrick Moore, Andy Gala Movie Review

The Mistle-Tones (2012)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Trailer for The Mistle-Tones

Holly (Tia Mowry-Hardrict) has always dreamt of singing with the town's Snow Belles, a group formed by her mum some 40 years earlier and despite having the best voice amongst those auditioning for a position is rejected by the group's current leader, the bitchy Marci (Tori Spelling). Despondent at being rejected Holly's friends encourage her to form her own group which she does picking her friends to be part of it. Before they know it Holly and her own group are in a sing-off in the mall against Marci and the Snow Belles. ... Read Review

Tags: TV Christmas Movies, Christmas Movies