Movie Trailer for The Square (2008) starring David Roberts, Claire van der Boom, Peter Phelps, Bill Hunter, Lucy Bell, Anthony Hayes, Damon Herriman, Brendan Donoghue, Joel Edgerton, Hanna Mangan Lawrence directed by Nash Edgerton Movie Review

The Square (2008)   4/54/54/54/54/5

Trailer for The Square

At its heart "The Square" is about Raymond Yale (David Roberts) who is having an affair with Carla (Claire van der Boom) who lives with her partner on the opposite side of the river. It is that affair which leads to him paying someone to torch Carla's home because Carla has discovered a bag of dirty money belonging to her partner Greg (Anthony Hayes) and desperate to start a new live with Raymond forces him into doing something so they can steal the money. But that choice leads to a series of disasters as a person is killed, Raymond who takes kick backs at work starts getting blackmailed, someone spots him with Carla and he believes that who ever it is who spotted them is the one demanding money. ... Read Review