Movie Trailer for The Christmas Shoes (2002) starring Rob Lowe, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Max Morrow, Maria del Mar, Hugh Thompson, Dorian Harewood directed by Andy Wolk Movie Review

The Christmas Shoes (2002)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Trailer for The Christmas Shoes

Ever since he was a child Robert Layton (Rob Lowe - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me) has been driven to succeed and that hasn't changed as a husband and father but it means that not only is he a workaholic but his drive to be the best and have the best is not shared by his wife Kate (Maria del Mar). When Robert decides they are going to move to a bigger home and Kate will need to return to work he sets up an interview for her only to be annoyed when she doesn't show up. Kate had reason to miss it as her new friend Maggie Andrews (Kimberly Williams-Paisley - Father of the Bride Part II) has just been diagnosed with heart disease and as she can no longer take the school choir for practice asked Kate to take over. Maggie's illness impacts her family especially her son Nathan (Max Morrow) who is desperate to earn enough money to buy his mum a beautiful pair of shoes like the ones she remembers. Nathan's desire to buy the shoes and Robert's workaholic tendencies leads to them crossing paths on Christmas Eve. ... Read Review

Tags: TV Christmas Movies, Christmas Movies